Hi, I’m Purple Dalia and here I’ll start sharing recipes and everyday food ideas that I try out at home, post weekly family meal plans and recipes improvements.
I love to cook! But as a mom of a 1 year old who also works full time, I often find I don’t have the time or energy to figure out what to make for dinner every day or feel like using up the precious little time I have after work to cook for hours. So about 3 months after the babe was born my husband and I started planning out our weekly menus on Thursday doing weekly groceries on Friday after baby swimming lessons. This in an effort to 1 save money and silly 1 item grocery trips because we forgot and 2 stop having to figure out daily meals and trying to increase the variety in the meals.
Here you’ll find our weekly meal plans, share your own and recipes for different kinds of cuisines and lifestyles. Whether it’s quick and easy salads or slow cooking stews there’s something for everyone. Also feel free to post your own in the comment section or contact me to become a contributor.