Dried plums or prunes sauce, just the name makes me think about Christmas in Colombia! This sauce goes well with pork, chicken or turkey and has a fantastic rich and sweet and tangy flavour and a smooth and creamy texture.
I’m not going to go into the pork loin we used the sauce for because my husband got himself a new toy, a sous vide machine, and I steered away from process of making it. The grill now sits a bit forgotten in our balcony and the sous vide machine is the toy of the hour. Me, I’m enjoying delicious, perfectly cooked and tender meat with none of the hassle of actually cooking it. Life is sweet!
Dried plums sauce
2016-08-08 07:45:29
- 150 gr dried plums or prunes
- 150 ml red wine
- 150 ml chicken stock
- 2 tbs balsamic vinegar
- 1 shallot onion, finely chopped
- 1 tbs butter
- Salt
- Pepper
- 1. Soak the plums in the red wine over night.
- 2. In a pan melt the butter and cook the shallots until soft at a low heat.
- 3. Add the plums with the red wine,the chicken stock and balsamic vinegar and let the liquid reduce to about half.
- 4. With an immersion blender purée the plums and continue reducing until you reach the desired consistency.
Purpledalia @ home https://www.purpledalia.net/